Silver & Gold Broker listing

Below you will find a list of our certified Silver & Gold brokers who have exceeded all the required standards for this registration and are formally recognized as a valued Member of The Hanson Group of Companies team.

IMPORTANT: If you would like be a Silver or Gold Certified Broker and Listed on this Page Click Here!

Contact NameCompany NameBroker LevelLisence Expiration DateCountry
Abdihakim SuleimanIndividual
Adriana Suarez SuarezIndividual28 March 2026
Alan Edward SaddIndividual
Ali .B .A AqelLord Zi International Dwc. LLC.
Angela VernaIndividual
Anthony Depnarine GosineIndividual
Anthony Presley RichardISC Global, LLC.18 April 2025
Antwaun Isaiah MaxwellIndividual12 April 2025
Arlus Daniel Jr.Image Financial, INC.
Arturs UdrisIndividual30 August 2025
Bartolomeo MonnoIndividual21 January 2025
Baruwa Abiodun BarryMasterplan Finance & Asset Management LTD
Beatriz Quintana CardenesIndividual07 JUN 2028
Bernard Gerald SeebachBernard Seebach Private Wealth Links
Bryan Olano GamboaGolden Tri-Quad Dragon Corporation
Cesar R. Nieto
Berghusen Group, LTD.
Cesare FussoneGlobal Capital Finance LTD.
Charalambos MoleskiDenberg Holdings Limited
Charles MahoneyIndividual